Twenty-Four/ Seven/ Three Hundred Sixty-Five Days

If you ever see me deep in thought know that I’m probably thinking about new unique dishes to keep CFD clients lean and healthy and healthy and lean.  No fake ingredients, no excessive sodium, and little to no sugar.  I have a few goals for CFD and it always starts with the thought, “how do I keep you lean and healthy?”

By |2020-02-19T16:33:38+00:00October 25th, 2015|Calorie Myths, Fitness, Food, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Twenty-Four/ Seven/ Three Hundred Sixty-Five Days

The One Thing Celebrities Get Right About Fitness!

In many cases a stars’ paycheck can be linked to their appearance.  They have a vested interest to stay looking lean and fit.  Whenever I happen upon an article in People or In Style magazine where a celebrity is praising their trainer, meal delivery or health coach I’m thrilled.  It’s a great reminder and a point not to be overlooked.

For most of us, our paycheck is not determined by our outward appearance or dress size.  So, if those with the most to gain from a stellar appearance hire a trainer, meal delivery, health coach etc how much more do us regular folks need a helping hand!   It certainly takes the pressure off of figuring out what to prepare in the kitchen and how to train in the gym! I’m a healthy chef,  a personal trainer and I hire other trainers to put me through fitness routines regularly.  I know the value of hiring an outside eye to assess my strengths and challenge my inefficiencies.   It’s not weak and is probably the most valuable form of healthcare I can think of!

If you’ve been struggling with getting results in the kitchen and the gym, look no further than your favorite celebrity.  They have the most to gain by being fit and even they need the extra push and regular check in with professionals!

By |2020-02-19T16:36:31+00:00October 5th, 2015|Calorie Myths, Fitness, Food, Lifestyle|Comments Off on The One Thing Celebrities Get Right About Fitness!

Up next…Vegan Pesto!

Back to the food……!!!! I get tons of compliments on my dairy free pesto! The reason is simple. Oven roast the garlic for a mild and mellow flavor. Toss a few cloves with Olive Oil and wrap in tin foil. Bake at 350 for about 10 minutes or until slightly brown. Not burnt or charred! Add to your fresh basil, pine nuts, more olive oil, fresh lemon juice, salt and pepper and blend till smooth. This will keep for up to three months in the freezer with no dairy!

By |2020-02-19T16:37:40+00:00October 1st, 2015|Calorie Myths, Fitness, Food, Lifestyle, Recipes|Comments Off on Up next…Vegan Pesto!

Whew…I didn’t need any Algebra this week!

Not a week goes by where someone doesn’t mention the 80/20 rule.  Practice good nutrition eighty percent of the time and the other twenty is fair game.   It always sounds really good and since you’ve heard it before it must be the gospel.  Truthfully, I think you should eat well most of the time and have a treat here and there.  What does a ‘treat’ really mean though? And what does eating ‘well’  eighty percent of the time really look like.  From culture to culture and person to person that can be interpreted very differently.  My best and most sensible approach to this math problem…lol…is that we give it our all until we have the desired results.  If you aren’t happy with your level of fitness or your physique when you look in the mirror then now is NOT the time for 80/20, but for 100 percent!  Work with me, I’ll simplify it for you and we won’t ever speak of math again! 🙂

By |2020-02-19T20:35:30+00:00September 20th, 2015|Calorie Myths, Fitness, Food, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Whew…I didn’t need any Algebra this week!

#TBT to that one time I took a stand against fast food marketers!

Wall Street and Main Street definitely know how to push our buttons.  It’s no mistake that they use widely accepted standards of beauty to compel us to purchase their products.  It’s no mystery that eating a steady stream of fast-casual-packaged foods will cause excess weight gain, lethargy, and maybe even life style related diseases.  So, this is just me having had enough! I take a stand every day against poor quality food.  Sometimes I even bring a sign and wear my bikini on a busy street to prove it!  Eat clean and stay lean! Need help? I’m here for you!

By |2020-02-25T03:52:45+00:00September 6th, 2015|Calorie Myths, Fitness, Food, Lifestyle|Comments Off on #TBT to that one time I took a stand against fast food marketers!

Two Important Questions To Ask Yourself!

First things first!!! I’m not implying that protein shakes or bars are bad for you! However, they may not always be the best option regarding your fitness goals. I was observing a stream of people leaving the gym the other day and I saw a lot of protein shakes/bars consumed. I’ve seen some of these people for years and I can say a good portion have made very few changes in their body structure. One of my conclusions is that they may be over estimating their workouts and under estimating their caloric intake. Protein is beneficial to muscle growth but maybe you’re not really building as much muscle as you think? It’d be worth your time to do an assessment with a trainer and start fresh on a new routine if muscle growth is the goal. If health and weight management is the goal then real food would be a better alternative in my opinion. Shakes and bars have hidden sugars, the suspect ingredients called “natural flavors”, preservatives, food coloring and dyes, and CARAGEENAN. For the record, by real food, I mean a whole grain Turkey sandwich with some avocado or hummus NOT rice cakes! I love to chew my food and I find it more satisfying. Based on our current obesity crisis I’m guessing most of us like to chew! So why not give your body the thing it needs? Consider your goals. Think it over.

By |2020-02-25T03:56:08+00:00August 30th, 2015|Calorie Myths, Fitness, Food|Comments Off on Two Important Questions To Ask Yourself!

Before you step on that scale read this!

The scale is not your friend.   It’s not your enemy but it’s not your friend either.  The most accurate read of how you look is in and out of your clothes.  I know it’s popular to jump on the scale and measure yourself every day but it’s never the full story.  Try choosing a dress, pair of jeans, or a bathing suit to measure your progress or maintenance.  This is the true test of where you are and perhaps where you want to be.  Especially if you’ve been working hard in the gym, logging extra miles as a runner, or being more consistent in yoga.  The mirror doesn’t lie and neither does a loose or tight fitting dress.  The scale however only gives you one option and if you associate a number with being fat or thin instead of what your reflection says you may run into trouble.  Try it!

By |2020-02-25T03:59:57+00:00August 18th, 2015|Calorie Myths, Fitness, Food, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Before you step on that scale read this!

Don’t quit before you even start!

It’s Monday and chances are you are going to implement something new into your work week and life to improve your situation. If so, good for you! I fully support that decision. End of story…..not so fast.

If you’re like most people you got all hopped up on hype or caffeine and gave yourself a big pep talk to make sweeping changes to your schedule and life. Hello? Does this ring a bell or sound familiar? It’s not uncommon. However, what is uncommon is for people to make grand changes and stick to them long term.

I submit this. Try sticking to a small change for one month. It may be as minor as swapping out your calorie and sugar laden Starbucks milkshake for a refreshing glass of unsweetened Iced tea, or it might be taking the stairs every other day instead of the elevator, or maybe even reducing the number of cigarettes you smoke by half, per day. As you gain more confidence in your ability to conquer small things you’ll be able to add to a growing list of achievements. In a years’ time who knows what can happen! I know! But do you? Why not find out!

By |2020-02-25T04:05:28+00:00July 27th, 2015|Calorie Myths, Fitness, Food, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Don’t quit before you even start!

Do I have to?

If it only took one try to get it right we’d all already be there!  Wherever “there” is?  It’s easy to give up.  People do it every day.  Try once more.  Even if it’s your hundredth time.  Try again!

By |2020-02-25T04:15:26+00:00July 11th, 2015|Calorie Myths, Fitness, Food, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Do I have to?

Confused about clean eating? Who Isn’t!

There are quite a few misconceptions about clean eating and more often than not people view it as a diet or punishment. Ironically, before the explosion of fast food and packaged goods most people ate clean. Truthfully we moved around more too. Eating clean isn’t a punishment, challenge, and you don’t need stacks of Tupperware! It’s about eating foods that are good for your body, your cells, and your brain. Now, if you’re just hoping to look like the Photoshopped images on social media that’s easy, just edit your images. Or if you’re getting ready for a fitness competition that’s eating clean too but it’s stripped down to strip you down. It can be done but let’s be clear that it is not your everyday walking around body. Eating clean is far more than Tilapia, yams and asparagus. It’s a habit that will keep you lean!

By |2020-02-25T04:19:17+00:00June 13th, 2015|Calorie Myths, Fitness, Food, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Confused about clean eating? Who Isn’t!
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