Eat Real Food

We’ve got a lot of people eating food- like products and not enough real food!  It’s no secret that the typical diet is full of sugar, empty calories and lacks portion control.  It’s time we return to real food for our health’s sake!


By |2019-12-06T10:22:41+00:00July 31st, 2012|Calorie Myths, Food, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Eat Real Food

Healthcare vs. Sick Care

What you eat contributes to your health.  When you view food as a life force, which it is, you take ownership of what you are putting into your body.  Foods with a good amount of vitamins and minerals are considered health care.  Foods void of any nutritional content or value contribute to sick care.  Make health care food choices most of the time and keep sickness at bay!

By |2019-12-06T10:22:41+00:00July 31st, 2012|Fitness, Food, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Healthcare vs. Sick Care

Food for thought!

Your body, mind and soul are connected.  When you exercise a lot of issues come to the surface including anxiety, depression, and fear.  Every trainer has some painful secrets shared by their clients during a session.  So when I hear people say they don’t like working out I often wonder if they don’t want to uncover what may be hidden both literally and figuratively.  Lord knows I’ve shared some painful moments with my trainers.  Just some food for thought!

By |2019-12-06T10:22:42+00:00July 31st, 2012|Fitness, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Food for thought!

Take A Deep Breath……

I believe that your greatest challenges begin with taking a deep breath.  Leaving a toxic relationship, going back to school, hiring a trainer-meal delivery service, getting real about your nutrition habits, changing careers and living your own uniquely weird life! Take a deep breath and do it!

By |2019-12-06T10:22:42+00:00July 31st, 2012|Food, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Take A Deep Breath……


Exhale and let go of the iffy, the bad, and the ugly!  We hold on to things that serve no purpose, that don’t promote our health or wellness, and that literally drag us down.  Why?  Exhale and let it go!

By |2019-12-06T10:22:42+00:00July 31st, 2012|Calorie Myths, Food, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Exhale………..
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