Reap The Benefits of Meal Delivery!

On average, you get about ten extra hours of free time with meal delivery! Use it however you choose! This is for your benefit both physically and mentally! Treat ya self!

By |2020-02-19T16:21:23+00:00January 31st, 2016|Fitness, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Reap The Benefits of Meal Delivery!

DIY- Eat The Rainbow!

An easy way to eat the rainbow is with sweet peppers! Rinse, dry, chop off the top, clean out the seeds, make small cuts in the form of a “T” so it’s easy to stuff, toss with a little olive oil, place upside down on a baking sheet, roast at 425 in the oven for about 30 minutes or until soft, remove from heat and let cool. When you’re ready to eat stuff with your favorite seasoned lean protein, veggies or complex carbs! This is how you can eat the rainbow everyday with minimal effort. Don’t you dare toss those caps either! Bag them and slice or dice them all throughout the week for added crunch to salads, wraps and sautés!

By |2020-02-19T16:22:21+00:00January 27th, 2016|Food, Recipes|Comments Off on DIY- Eat The Rainbow!

You, Improved!

It will be okay to stick with the old you but improved! It’s that special time of year where everyone seems hell bent on changing everything about themselves. You have lots of great things and habits about you and maybe a few that aren’t so good. It’s not a race. Allow yourself time to evolve and grow into the person you want to be. It requires effort and a long term commitment to yourself. In our “insta” society it can seem like everything happens overnight. It doesn’t. You’re smarter than that! Make 2016 a year to remember not another year of frustration. A great place to start is with what’s on your plate! Eat well! Be well!

By |2020-02-19T16:24:14+00:00January 2nd, 2016|Calorie Myths, Fitness, Food, Lifestyle|Comments Off on You, Improved!
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