The Yoga Move That Aids Breast Cancer Recovery!

As a health and fitness specialist I have the pleasure of working with men and women in various stages of life.  When I first met Vickee she was at the gym 24/7.  Her detour in the road was being diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006.  I’m so thankful she recovered and has healed herself from cancer.  Her journey was East meets West and I hope to share more of her story in the weeks to come! Please share this info with your network! Right now someone somewhere needs this information!

By |2019-12-06T09:10:10+00:00May 21st, 2016|Lifestyle, Videos|Comments Off on The Yoga Move That Aids Breast Cancer Recovery!

Hire us! Save time! Keep the flavor!

At least once a week I come across a blog or article about meal prepping.  It never fails that the blogger/writer ends ups overwhelmed by the menu tasks and required dedication, and mostly underwhelmed by their lack of cooking skills, and often our price point is lower than what they spent on a weeks’ worth of food.  Seriously! Hire us! Save time! Keep the flavor and your sanity!

By |2020-02-19T16:15:05+00:00April 17th, 2016|Calorie Myths, Food, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Hire us! Save time! Keep the flavor!

The Only Thing to Super Size Is Your SMILE!

Food is meant to fuel you up not fill you up! The average sized stomach is the size of a small fist. If you changed nothing else but portion control when dining you’d see a noticeable change in your body. In America, we’ve grown so accustomed to large portions that it’s even become a standard for whether a restaurant is considered good or not! Hello Yelpers I’m looking at you! Food is fuel to live your wonderful weird life! Clean Food Delivered can help! Try us!

By |2020-02-19T16:17:38+00:00March 28th, 2016|Calorie Myths, Fitness, Food, Lifestyle|Comments Off on The Only Thing to Super Size Is Your SMILE!

Is A Plant Based Diet Right For You?

That’s a great question and one I can’t definitely answer for you.  What I will say is that a plant based approach shouldn’t hurt you! The nice thing about a meal delivery like ours is that we take an expansive approach to nutrition.  We have clients that do a combo of plant and animal protein, others that enjoy just plants and some who prefer only animal protein based meals.  Our goal is to assist your life with the nutritional components whatever health journey you’re on without judgment.  Our priority is you! We deliver quality organic meals prepared for you with your specific needs in mind.  In short, we take the guess work out of nutrition whatever meal plan you decide on! Eat Well! Be Well!

By |2020-02-19T16:19:20+00:00February 20th, 2016|Calorie Myths, Fitness, Food, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Is A Plant Based Diet Right For You?

Reap The Benefits of Meal Delivery!

On average, you get about ten extra hours of free time with meal delivery! Use it however you choose! This is for your benefit both physically and mentally! Treat ya self!

By |2020-02-19T16:21:23+00:00January 31st, 2016|Fitness, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Reap The Benefits of Meal Delivery!

You, Improved!

It will be okay to stick with the old you but improved! It’s that special time of year where everyone seems hell bent on changing everything about themselves. You have lots of great things and habits about you and maybe a few that aren’t so good. It’s not a race. Allow yourself time to evolve and grow into the person you want to be. It requires effort and a long term commitment to yourself. In our “insta” society it can seem like everything happens overnight. It doesn’t. You’re smarter than that! Make 2016 a year to remember not another year of frustration. A great place to start is with what’s on your plate! Eat well! Be well!

By |2020-02-19T16:24:14+00:00January 2nd, 2016|Calorie Myths, Fitness, Food, Lifestyle|Comments Off on You, Improved!

Up Next…..You!

You + Real Food = a healthier body, a healthy mindset and a less stressed life.  It really is that simple.  It all begins with what’s on your plate.  Let us prove it to you!

By |2020-02-19T16:25:54+00:00December 29th, 2015|Calorie Myths, Fitness, Food, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Up Next…..You!

This Is Not A Cheat Meal!!

This Is Not A Cheat Meal! If you find yourself cutting out entire food groups in an effort to remain or become thin that sucks! I eat carbs in moderation because they taste good, they provide nutritional value, and the right ones keep you fueled up. If you need some help or you know someone who needs help in building a healthy attitude towards food, all foods, call me! Pictured here: Grilled Olive Oil Wrap stuffed with seasoned Ground Turkey, spicy Black Beans, medley of winter vegetables and side of Salsa.

By |2020-02-19T16:27:30+00:00December 12th, 2015|Calorie Myths, Fitness, Food, Lifestyle|Comments Off on This Is Not A Cheat Meal!!

What We All Fail To Realize With Before And After Photos!

WARNING!! If you love pouring over “before and after” photos please stop reading and keep scrolling. I don’t want to ruin it for you! Just kidding! However, I am going to give you a different perspective when viewing transformation photos. The most overlooked takeaway in B and A photos is that we compare ourselves to others. Our inner dialog might go something like this, “I can’t do that” or “I can do that!” The problem with those thoughts is WHAT IF YOU COULD DO BETTER? Mind blown? Stay with me! When you compare yourself to others you are making incredible assumptions. Everyone has a different metabolic rate, some played sports, some have kids, some take Steroids, some eat clean, some are stressed, some need cardio, some need less cardio. You can’t be summarized in a photo collage. As the year draws to an end and we will all be “pitched” a get fit plan. pay attention to your own thought process. Long term fat loss, if the goal, is a life long journey. It’s not resolved in just a few short weeks or months. In some cases you’ll need to unlearn years of faulty thinking and habits. For others you’ll reach an “aha” moment right away. You have greatness and resilience in you! Don’t be fooled by quick fixes! Do the work and learn to love the process!

By |2020-02-19T16:29:21+00:00December 10th, 2015|Calorie Myths, Fitness, Food, Lifestyle|Comments Off on What We All Fail To Realize With Before And After Photos!

Have You Tried the Love Diet?

Have you tried the love diet? First off the results are amazing and the diet is radical! I know you’re thinking, “tell me more and what’s the catch!” The catch is that it’s simple but not easy. The love diet includes healthy, nourishing food for your body. It involves everyday movement and exercise not because you have to but because you want to. You sleep enough. You say no, without guilt, to requests of your personal time. You find reasons to laugh because it matters! You embrace your imperfections because they are unique and beautiful. You love yourself and others even when it’s hard to do so. See what I mean? Simple but not easy!

By |2020-02-19T16:30:22+00:00November 30th, 2015|Calorie Myths, Fitness, Food, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Have You Tried the Love Diet?
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