Don’t quit before you even start!

It’s Monday and chances are you are going to implement something new into your work week and life to improve your situation. If so, good for you! I fully support that decision. End of story…..not so fast.

If you’re like most people you got all hopped up on hype or caffeine and gave yourself a big pep talk to make sweeping changes to your schedule and life. Hello? Does this ring a bell or sound familiar? It’s not uncommon. However, what is uncommon is for people to make grand changes and stick to them long term.

I submit this. Try sticking to a small change for one month. It may be as minor as swapping out your calorie and sugar laden Starbucks milkshake for a refreshing glass of unsweetened Iced tea, or it might be taking the stairs every other day instead of the elevator, or maybe even reducing the number of cigarettes you smoke by half, per day. As you gain more confidence in your ability to conquer small things you’ll be able to add to a growing list of achievements. In a years’ time who knows what can happen! I know! But do you? Why not find out!

By |2020-02-25T04:05:28+00:00July 27th, 2015|Calorie Myths, Fitness, Food, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Don’t quit before you even start!

You talking to me?

Yes, I am! We are spending countless hours sitting and it’s proving to be a detriment to our health.  Whatever you must do to incorporate more standing to your day…do it! Text, surf the web, and make calls standing.  Eat or snack standing up.  Don’t sit on the train there will be plenty of time to do that at work. Stand! Every second counts and all those seconds contribute to a healthier and fitter you!

By |2020-02-25T04:07:55+00:00July 15th, 2015|Fitness, Lifestyle|Comments Off on You talking to me?

Do I have to?

If it only took one try to get it right we’d all already be there!  Wherever “there” is?  It’s easy to give up.  People do it every day.  Try once more.  Even if it’s your hundredth time.  Try again!

By |2020-02-25T04:15:26+00:00July 11th, 2015|Calorie Myths, Fitness, Food, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Do I have to?

Switch it up!

Want to get those hamstrings popping? Try this! The body bar adds stability and allows a full range of motion. Keep the abs tight throughout and squeeze the glutes and hamstrings on the way up. Aim for a slow and steady pace. It isn’t a race!

By |2020-02-25T04:13:34+00:00July 8th, 2015|Fitness, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Switch it up!

The happiness factor!

I was interviewed today by a beauty magazine and the question I get a lot, and they didn’t disappoint, was “how do I maintain my happiness?” The short answer is portion-controlled, quality food, adequate rest, and exercise. However, they followed this question by what my long term goals are for Clean Food Delivered! Which gave me an “aha” moment about myself and may help you with your happiness project! I am and always have been a goal oriented person. You won’t know it because I rarely feel the need to announce my intentions to the world. I usually let friends know well after the fact a goal has been accomplished. My current projects include a Food, Fitness and Travel TV show for which I’m a co-host, called “Food then Fit”, I’m designing a dance-fitness class, and I’m looking to franchise CFD. What does this have to with your or my happiness? Everything! Goals provide purpose and energy. Some days my goal is to do two loads of laundry and other days it’s much more grandiose like a TV show! The point is that I’m in motion big or small. Talking about things is fine but doing things is better! Right where you are at stay in motion!

By |2020-02-25T04:12:10+00:00June 29th, 2015|Fitness, Lifestyle|Comments Off on The happiness factor!

Confused about clean eating? Who Isn’t!

There are quite a few misconceptions about clean eating and more often than not people view it as a diet or punishment. Ironically, before the explosion of fast food and packaged goods most people ate clean. Truthfully we moved around more too. Eating clean isn’t a punishment, challenge, and you don’t need stacks of Tupperware! It’s about eating foods that are good for your body, your cells, and your brain. Now, if you’re just hoping to look like the Photoshopped images on social media that’s easy, just edit your images. Or if you’re getting ready for a fitness competition that’s eating clean too but it’s stripped down to strip you down. It can be done but let’s be clear that it is not your everyday walking around body. Eating clean is far more than Tilapia, yams and asparagus. It’s a habit that will keep you lean!

By |2020-02-25T04:19:17+00:00June 13th, 2015|Calorie Myths, Fitness, Food, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Confused about clean eating? Who Isn’t!

The big secret is that it’s a habit!

Popular buzz words that health and fitness companies use are magic, overnight, secret and rapid.  The truth is, a fit body and a healthy mind are based on consistent habits.  It’s not a 21, 60, or 90 day fix.  It’s a habit day after day, week after week, and year after year. If you’ve been prone to jumping on the latest fad or diet trend and you keep ending up right back where you started or worse please let us help you.  Adopting a fit lifestyle doesn’t have to be a drag and if you’d like to change your habits once and for all we are here to help!

By |2019-12-06T10:22:08+00:00June 10th, 2015|Fitness, Food, Lifestyle|Comments Off on The big secret is that it’s a habit!

Surround yourself with positive people!!

Your best asset is a smile and your best defense are positive, like minded people!  Set about finding your tribe!  It won’t happen overnight but it will happen.   Be generous and positive towards others.  We attract what we give.  We’ve had a preponderance of the “me” generation.  It’s time for the “we” generation.

By |2019-12-06T10:22:09+00:00June 6th, 2015|Fitness, Food, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Surround yourself with positive people!!

Saturated Fat! Revised!

Today I was asked what I would eliminate from a habitual morning breakfast. The options were a) maple syrup b) fresh berries or c) butter. To most people’s surprise I answered, “I’d keep the butter for sure!” Of course in my mind I’m thinking of the highest quality butter, that’s from grass fed happy cows! Think it over! Saturated fats in moderation are not the villains they once were. And for the record I’d skip the maple syrup.

By |2019-12-06T10:22:09+00:00May 24th, 2015|Calorie Myths, Fitness, Food, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Saturated Fat! Revised!

Action Steps when you’re feeling pessimistic!

By |2019-12-06T10:22:10+00:00May 24th, 2015|Lifestyle, Videos|Comments Off on Action Steps when you’re feeling pessimistic!
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