Not a week goes by where someone doesn’t mention the 80/20 rule. Practice good nutrition eighty percent of the time and the other twenty is fair game. It always sounds really good and since you’ve heard it before it must be the gospel. Truthfully, I think you should eat well most of the time and have a treat here and there. What does a ‘treat’ really mean though? And what does eating ‘well’ eighty percent of the time really look like. From culture to culture and person to person that can be interpreted very differently. My best and most sensible approach to this math problem…lol…is that we give it our all until we have the desired results. If you aren’t happy with your level of fitness or your physique when you look in the mirror then now is NOT the time for 80/20, but for 100 percent! Work with me, I’ll simplify it for you and we won’t ever speak of math again! 🙂